The service type"DAY CARE Centres FOR ADULTS WITH DISABILITIES"is provided within the 3 centres of the foundation:

  • "Together" Center, established in 1997 - capacity 85 beneficiaries;
  • The Center "Ladislau Tacsi, founded in 2007 – capacity of 55 beneficiaries;
  • The Center "New Horizons", established in 2012 – capacity 40 beneficiaries.

Centrele de zi sunt subventionate partial de Consiliul Local – Primaria Municipiului Timisoara prin Direcția de Asistență Sociala Timișoara.

centre de zi

Applicants must meet the following conditions::

Minimum age 18 years

Certificate of classification in the degree of disability: developmental disability (mental retardation, autistic spectrum disorders, Down syndrome).

Domicile/residence in Timişoara.

Services are offered within the limits of available places, taking into account the particular needs of each beneficiary and the date of submission of applications.

Activităţile în centrele de zi pentru adulți cu dizabilități se desfăşoară de Monday to Friday,between 8.00 and 16.00. 8.00 -16.00.

For each beneficiary, is carried out by the multidisciplinary team, the assessment of individual needs, objectives to be followed are set, and a personalized plan is developed in which the activities / therapies / services are planned daily, weekly or monthly.

Activitati, servicii si terapii personalizate

Depending on the personalised plans, adults with disabilities benefit from the following activities, services and therapies within the day care centres::

  • Information and social counselling,,
  • Counselling / psychological intervention,,
  • Empowerment and rehabilitation (physical therapy, physiotherapy, art therapy, music and dance therapy, psycho-sensory-motor stimulation, occupational therapy, vocational / occupational activities),
  • Dezvoltarea deprinderilor de viață independentă (cognitive, communication skills, skills of personal autonomy, care and maintenance of health, self-management skills, social skills)
  • Development of lucrative skills, preparation for work, employment and support for maintaining the job,,
  • Social and civic integration and participation (knowledge of the social environment, sports, cultural, artistic activities carried out in the community, recreation and leisure actions, visits, trips, camps, participation in conferences and seminars, support for accessing various services in the community)
  • Food (daily breakfast and lunch), care and assistance (including transport by means of transport provided by the foundation, with support from teachers),
  • Health assistance (assistance provided by a specialist in physiotherapy, physical therapist, nutritionist),
  • Assistance and support for decision-making,,
  • Charity: material and financial aid for the beneficiariesof the centre who have a precarious material situation.

În centrele de zi pentru adulți cu dizabilități, activităţile zilnice, se desfăşoară în grupe, fiecare cu 2 teachers who supervise and manage the activities and ensure the implementation of the personalized plans.For beneficiaries employed in the work, another specialist provides support at the workplace or in the day care centre.

In order to prevent cases of abuse of the beneficiaries as well as to improve the way of working with the beneficiaries, by observing their behaviour, a video surveillance system is used within the day care centres, in the common spaces and in the hallways.

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