Partnership for the community:

Authors : "For You" Foundation

Publish Date: Jun 2010

Domain: Social services for people with intellectual disabilities

Publication description: The present study includes general information about the way in which social services are financed in Timişoara, the benefits of public administration as a result of public-private partnerships, the social services provided by non-governmental organisations and supported by public authorities, as well as the financing mechanisms. We want to show in the following pages that the partnership between the administration and the non-governmental sector in the provision of social services is possible and, above all, that it has notable results for the community. As it is clear from the pages below, the local administration in Timişoara manages, by cooperating with several non-governmental organisations, to cover a very wide range of social needs. We hope that the partnership model that Timişoara offers will be taken over in as many localities in the country as possible. In this way, important resources built over time by the non-governmental sector will be able to continue to be put at the service of local communities.

In the first part of the material are presented general notions regarding the provision in Romania of social services, the accreditation of social service providers and the normative acts in the field of public-private partnership.

In the second part of the material is presented the model from Timişoara of public-private partnership between the City Hall of Timişoara and various local non-governmental organisations.

This study was carried out by the "For You" Foundation with the support of the Timişoara City Hall, of the Community Social Assistance Directorate subordinated to the Local Council of Timişoara, which gave its consent to become an example of good practice for the project carried out by CeRe in partnership with the "For You" Foundation in Timişoara and the Association "Support the Children" Alba Iulia – "Partnership for the Community".

The study will be distributed to the nongovernmental organisations benefiting from the project, to the social assistance departments within the mayoralties, to the local councillors and to the county councillors from the localities where the beneficiary organisations of the project come from, providing social services.

Those interested in taking possession of this study can contact – Resource Center for Public Participation, str. Petru Maior nr. 9, Bucharest, postal code 011261, Romania, Web:,e-mail:,phone: + 4 031 1050 755, Fax: + 4 031 1050 756. The material will be distributed within the limit of the available stock.

Autism does not go away at 18 years old!

Authors Simona Tămăşan – medic primar psihiatru Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă Timişoara, conf. dr. psih. Violeta Stan, Anca David – psiholog Fundatia “Pentru Voi”, Andreea Arhire – coordonator proiecte Fundatia “Pentru Voi”,  Laila Onu – director executiv Fundatia “Pentru Voi”

Publish Date: Nov, 2009

Domain: Social services for people with intellectual disabilities

Publication description: În România, situaţia persoanelor cu autism şi a familliilor lor este dramatică, din cauza insuficienţei serviciilor specializate în cazul copiilor cu autism şi a lipsei serviciilor de suport specializate pentru adulţii cu autism. Autismul nu este considerat încă în România ca o dizabilitate de dezvoltare care durează întreaga viaţă şi de aceea nu există politici publice de incluziune socială a adulţilor cu autism. Este şi motivul pentru care Fundaţia “Pentru Voi” a iniţiat acest proiect, încercând să atragem atenţia asupra adulţilor cu autism, un grup complet neglijat de autorităţi şi invizibil din păcate în societatea românească actuală.

European money – opportunity or barrier to the social inclusion of adults with mental disabilities

Authors Elena Iorga – director programe IPP, Mariela Neagu – expert IPP, Laila Onu – director executiv Fundatia “Pentru Voi”

Publish Date: May 2010

Domain: Community funds – resource for financing social services for people with intellectual disabilities

Publication description: The Study European money – opportunity or barrier to the social inclusion of people with mental disabilities in Romania is a diagnosis of current problems in terms of accessing resources from community funds for projects for this target group, but also a working tool for the authorities with competences in the field, made in order to better guide investments and priorities in the field of social services.

The study is part of a broader research initiative of two nongovernmental organisations in Romania, the Institute for Public Policies (IPP) and the Foundation For You, aimed at promoting the transparent and efficient use (in the sense of supporting the objectives of social inclusion of people with disabilities ~ assumed by the Romanian authorities) of structural funds for the social inclusion of people with disabilities and is part of a regional initiative in this regard, and similar research has been carried out in Hungary. The study is based on an extensive documentation carried out between September 2009 and March 2010, which aimed at analysing the situation of absorption of structural funds that have the potential to finance projects whose target group are people with disabilities, namely the European Social Fund (Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development) and the European Regional Development Fund (Regional Operational Programme). Information was collected from the Managing Authorities on all the projects/ financed from the two operational programmes with potential impact on adults with mental disabilities in Romania

Based on the information collected, the two organizations were able to find a series of structural problems that may affect in the future the reform of social services for adults with mental disabilities in Romania in the situation in which the responsible authorities do not urgently take measures in this regard.

Monitoring access to education and employment, 2005

This report is part of a series of reports prepared by the EU Monitoring and Advocacy Programme of the Open Society Institute and the Mental Health Initiative and provides an important contribution to the research of people with intellectual disabilities. The report presents the situation of people with disabilities in Romania regarding their access to education and employment.

Plea for transparency and accountability in financing services for people with mental disabilities in Romania

Authors Elena Iorga – director programe IPP, Vioelta Alexandru – director IPP, Laila Onu – director executiv Fundatia “Pentru Voi”

Publish Date: Jun 2009

Domain: Community funds – resource for financing social services for people with intellectual disabilities

Publication description: It is known that the reform of social services in the field of mental disability has been and is still a touchstone for the responsible authorities in Romania. With a history marked for years by a phenomenon of social ostracization, mental disability is an issue that not many dare to address, due to the complexity and the special challenges that this it raises from the point of view of legislative, institutional harmonization, but especially from the perspective of the actual integral soda of people with mental disabilities.

On this background, the Institute for Public Policies (IPP) and the Foundation For You have elaborated the present study starting from the fundamental problem, in our opinion, for the way in which the reform in the field is and will be coordinated, how transparent, efficient, but also the relevance of the needs in the field is the financing of social services in the field of mental disability in Romania. Without claiming completeness or a trench antic verdict, the present study inventories the main financing resources available in recent years in the reference field, seeking to contribute with some clarifications related to a sector that, at first glance, many consider under-financed. But the reality is different: in recent years, the present analysis includes information corresponding to the period 2005 until now), for the mental disability sector, significant financial resources have been made available in terms of volume, coming from various sources: from the state budget – both through direct transfers allocated to the sodaIe assistance sector, through Programs of National Interest, as well as through the amounts managed in this field from local budgets – but especially from external funds non-reimbursable: pre-accession programs financed from Phare funds, structural funds or external loans contracted by the Romanian Government in this respect.
